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The Significance of Forgiveness in Islam

It is a Muslim’s duty to understand forgiveness and implement it. Islam encourages and promotes empathy, protecting Muslim morals, and learning to better themselves through forgiveness. Forgiveness in Islam is seen as being a better Muslim so it is vital to forgive.

Many Muslims may have questions about forgiveness and how to implement it or need to understand forgiving in Islam. To answer popular questions about forgiveness in Islam and help you learn more about it, we have provided key information about the significance of forgiveness and how you can implement forgiving daily.


What is forgiveness?

Forgiveness is the voluntary and intentional act where someone changes the feelings and attitude towards an offense caused by someone else. It’s about letting go of negative emotions, like vengefulness, and wishing the offender well instead.

Forgiveness is very different from condoning as condoning is failing to see when an action is wrong and needs forgiving. It is also different from excusing which is not holding the offender responsible and forgetting which is removing awareness of the offense. Instead, forgiveness is given to someone who doesn’t deserve it, and you choose to forgive them instead of holding a grudge.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean everything with that person is fine now though, there may still need to be a resolution to keep them in your life. It also doesn’t mean you should forget what happened or that you need to keep that person in your life too. It is all just for you to move on from the situation.


Forgiveness in Islam

Forgiveness in Islam is extremely important for a variety of reasons. It not only helps Muslims move on for the sake of themselves, but it is a Sunnah of the Prophet and is looked on favourably by Allah.


Gaining Allah’s forgiveness

Muslims must realise the number of sins they have committed. A way to dispel these sins is by forgiving others for theirs. Even though it is tough, it is vital to remember that Allah is All-Forgiving and so, Muslims need to implement that same attitude and forgive to gain His Pleasure. ‘Allah forgive those who forgive’ is a virtue that reminds Muslims of the importance of forgiving others in Islam.


Leads to Jannah

Forgiveness is one key aspect of Qalbun Saleem which leads to Jannah (paradise for the afterlife). Qalbun Saleem means a sound heart or a heart that is free of the burdens of worldly affairs. To have a sound heart, Muslims need to let go of anything that is hurting them in the world. It is best to rectify intentions through daily spiritual purification rather than holding onto hurt.


It is the Sunnah of the Prophet

The Blessed Prophet Muhammad said:

Do not harbour a grudge against one another, nor jealousy, nor enmity, and do not show your backs to one another and become as fellow brothers and slaves of Allah. It is not lawful for a Muslim to avoid speaking with his brother beyond three days” [Bukhari and Muslim, Riyad as-Salihin 1567]

The Prophet shows his unlimited forgiveness and how it eventually rewards in a spiritual way. Even when non-Muslims disrespected him, he showed no grudge. He was patient and always kind, leading to those who disrespected him to become virtuous Muslims. Forgiveness is a virtue for the brave and the patient and Muslims should strive to be forgiving.


Nobody is perfect

With Islam and forgiveness, it is seen as nobody is perfect and everyone is always growing as a person. People mature through mistakes and experiences that always involve other people. Everyone can make mistakes and commit sins so Muslims, who also have flaws, shouldn’t put high expectations on anyone else. Instead, they should forgive as the Blessed Prophet Muhammad and Allah the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful did.


Life is a test

Another reason why forgiveness in Islam is important is the fact that life (dunya) is filled with tests. Accepting these is considered as accepting the Divine Decree of Allah the Almighty. Accepting any wrongdoings that happen to Muslims is meant to occur as Allah sends them these tests through other people as well.


Forgiveness Islamic quotes

Forgiving in Islam is prevalent through hadith in the Qur’an and is the word of Allah the Almighty and the Blessed Prophet Muhammad. Forgiveness is shown throughout Islam and the importance is told to Muslims via the Qur’an, encouraging Muslims to practice forgiveness. Below are some forgiveness Islamic quotes that show why Muslims must learn to forgive the wrongdoings of others.

…and let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [Quran 24:22]

This above quote shows that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful and so Muslims should reflect this same attitude.

The Messenger of Allah said:

The gates of Paradise will be opened on Mondays and Thursdays, and every servant who associates nothing with Allah will be forgiven, except for the man who has a grudge against his brother. It will be said: Delay these two until they are reconciled; delay these two until they are reconciled.” [Muslim, Malik and Abu Dawud]

In the Qur’an it is stated:

It is by Allah’s mercy that you are gentle to them; and had you been harsh and hardhearted, surely they would have scattered from around you. So excuse them, and plead forgiveness for them, and consult then in the affairs, and once you are resolved put your trust in Allah. Indeed Allah loves those who trust in Him.” [Quran 3:159]


Islam forgiveness prayer

There are multiple dua’s (prayers) for Muslims to recite to seek forgiveness and forgive others. Recite some of the Islam forgiveness prayers daily to let go of hardships and wrongdoings and seek forgiveness. Some prayers you can do are:

Allazeena yaqooloona Rabbanaaa innanaaa aamannaa faghfir lanaazunoobanaa wa qinaa ‘azaaban Naar.

Our Lord! surely we believe, therefore forgive us our faults and save us from the chastisement of the fire

[Al-Imran, Chapter 3, Verse 16]

faghfir li, fa innahu la yaghfirudh-dhunuba illa Ant(a).

Forgive me, For there is none who may forgive sins but You.

[Al-Bukhari Book 20 Hadith 1875].


I seek forgiveness from Allah

La ilaha illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minaz Zalimin

There is no God save Thee. Be Thou glorified! Lo! I have been a wrong-doer.

[Quran 21:87]


Types of forgiveness

Forgiveness in Islam has two types. These are:


Allah’s Forgiveness

This type of forgiving in Islam is between Muslims and the Lord and it isn’t something that has to be done explicitly. Muslims can seek forgiveness from Allah in their own time as long as they have a sincere intention and desire to change.


Human beings’ forgiveness for others and self

This type of forgiveness is between Muslims, themselves and other people who they may have hurt or those who hurt them. Forgiving others in Islam and seeking forgiveness from others and for yourself should be explicitly done between the parties who are involved.


How to forgive in a psychological way

Forgiving others in Islam in a psychological way can be difficult but there are steps you can take to forgive.


Acknowledge what has happened

Take a breather and reflect on the situation that has happened. The first step to forgiveness in Islam is to acknowledge what happened and accept it. You should assess how you were affected and ask questions to gain an understanding on the incident. Some questions could be:

  • How were you feeling at the time?
  • How do you feel now?
  • Is there anything you could have done differently?
  • What happened to cause the situation?


Explore the lessons you learned

Think about what lessons you learned from the situation and acknowledge the growth from this. You could ask yourself what did you learn about yourself? and have you discovered anything about your boundaries?

When exploring this, you should think about what your life will be like when you let go of hurt and anger to help you come to terms with it and forgive.


Share your feelings with others

Confide in others to help you let go of the hurt and pain and start to forgive. Ensure it is someone you trust who can give clear guidance and help. Talking to someone you trust can alleviate your negative thoughts and feelings.

You can also try to resolve the situation with the person who has wronged you to help you move on and come to a resolution. If there’s no closure, it can be impossible to move on.


How to ask for forgiveness in Islam and forgive others

Asking for forgiveness in Islam helps to clear any wrongdoings and sins you may have committed and allows you to reap rewards. Similarly, forgiving others in Islam is just as important to have a pure heart and letting go of negative feelings. There are certain ways you can seek forgiveness and forgive others according to the Islamic perspective.


Ask why should I forgive?

It is easy to think you have forgiven someone but sometimes you can unconsciously expect something in return. Sometimes, your intentions can mislead the noblest deeds, and it is important to rectify this. To do this, you can forgive for the sake of Allah and His Messenger.


Make Dua for yourself and for others

Forgiveness in Islam is meant to be selfless and liberating, so if someone has hurt you very much where words can’t describe your pain, then making dua for yourself and for those who hurt you is the best way to alleviate the pain.

Ensure that the dua has the best intentions and don’t make dua against the person who has done wrong. Making forgiveness dua to forgive others ensures that Allah protects you from all evil desires and emotions that can sever a relationship.

To seek forgiveness in Islam, make dua for yourself and ask for forgiveness from Allah.


Gain information through lectures

If you are struggling to understand forgiveness in Islam, then it is ideal to listen to lectures that pertain to hadith on forgiveness. When you listen to the stories of the blessed Prophet and how he forgave the horrible acts of others, you will feel more inclined to follow him and apply forgiveness in your life. It will also help you to understand why forgiveness is so important and encourage you to start forgiving and seek forgiveness.

Forgiveness in Islam is vital to please Allah the Almighty and to help Muslims let go of hurt, pain and anger, allowing them to have pure hearts. Ensuring to forgive others and seeking forgiveness allows Muslims to move on from situations and reap rewards in life and in the afterlife.

Just as important as forgiving in Islam is the act of charity. Charity in Islam has multiple rewards and it is an obligatory requirement (Zakat). There is also voluntary charity (Sadaqah) that Muslims should partake in too. Learn all about charity in Islam at Charity Meals and donate today.