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£1 Hot Meals: Feed Just ONE Hungry Person Today

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Goals & Objectives

Charity Meals has established ambitious targets for the upcoming five-year period.

Goals & Objectives

Charity Meals is more than a food charity - we are on a mission. We have established ambitious targets for us to achieve in the upcoming five-year period. We are a young, focused and determined organisation, and if you are looking for a world food programme to donate to, let us demonstrate the far-reaching plans we have to contribute towards solving the world food problem.

Determined Organisation

Charity Meals has set ambitious goals for the next five years. With determination and energy, we will not stop until we achieve them - and then we will set more!

Our first objective is to open and operate five Charity Meals Kitchens in the UK, which will serve free meals to homeless individuals, families living below the poverty line, and refugees who have been forced to flee their own homes due to war, conflict, and natural disasters.

These kitchens will provide not only the essential nutrition-packed healthy meals people need but also provide a sense of community and dignity to those who are struggling to make ends meet. Due to the current cost of living crisis in the UK, every food bank charity is under intense pressure. We want to help relieve that pressure by giving immediate access to hot meals for those who don’t have their own cooking facilities or simply cannot help themselves and need support.

Charity Meals Worker Handing Over the Food Parcel to Needy Family

Fight Global Hunger

Our second objective is to continue to fight hunger globally and provide nutritious school meals to children living in some of the world’s poorest countries. In the world, food is plentiful - it simply does not get to the people who need it the most in the right way. We are seeking to change that.

We believe that every child deserves access to healthy food, and by providing meals in schools, we can encourage children to attend and focus on their studies.

This will give them the tools and skills they need to build a brighter future for themselves, their families, and their communities.

At Charity Meals, we are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to tackle hunger and malnutrition, and we are all very excited about the possibilities for the future.

Our mission to end hunger starts here.

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The fight against hunger starts with Charity Meals

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