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£1 Hot Meals: Feed Just ONE Hungry Person Today

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Where We Work

Charity Meals operates in multiple countries throughout Africa and the Middle East, tackling the formidable issue of poverty.

Where We Work

As well as being one of the most proactive food charity organisations in the UK, Charity Meals also operates in multiple countries throughout Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East, tackling the formidable issue of poverty and its effect on local communities and their abilities to feed themselves.

If you are seeking a world food programme to donate to on a regular basis, we encourage you to find out more about the intense work we do in hundreds of different communities across the UK, Sierra Leone, Turkey, Sri Lanka and other countries.

Completely Eliminating Hunger

We believe that no one should have to suffer from hunger, dehydration, starvation, or malnutrition. We believe that World Hunger Day should be every day of the year, and we focus our energies on keeping the message strong and specific in our fight for the malnourished.

Our goal is to eradicate food insecurity and ensure that everyone has access to the most basic of necessities.

Delivering Necessary Supplies

Nourishing food for vulnerable families and individuals, meeting daily nutritional needs.

We envisage a world where vulnerable families and individuals have access to nutritious food supplies that meet their daily nutritional requirements.

We believe that access to nutritious food and safe drinking water is a basic human right, and everyone should have the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Our aim is to ensure that every person has access to food, regardless of where they live or their economic condition.

In the UK, we hear the cost-of-living stories every single day - stories where parents forego eating for their kids, where the elderly choose to heat their homes over eating, where children come home from school to empty cupboards, where mums walk through supermarkets full of food with half empty shopping baskets because there is no money left after paying their bills.

This should not be happening. Charity Meals categorically believes that every human being should have the right to a warm, nutritious meal every day, wherever they are in the world.

We are committed to working towards a world where food poverty is a thing of the past.

Our mission to end hunger starts here.

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The fight against hunger starts with Charity Meals

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