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£1 Hot Meals: Feed Just ONE Hungry Person Today

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How Your Donations Help Communities in the Areas That Need Them


According to the UN, over one billion people in the world live in unacceptable conditions of poverty, mostly in developing countries, particularly in rural areas of low-income countries in Asia and Africa. Poverty not only means hunger, malnutrition and ill health but also implies limited or lack of access to education and other basic services. It gives rise to homelessness or inadequate housing, unsafe environments, social discrimination, and exclusion.

It is estimated that 17.7% of UK families now fall into the category of poverty, according to the Food Foundation. One in five (22%) of households reported skipping meals, going hungry or not eating for a whole day. The number of UK children in food poverty is also reported to be rising.

In view of the above facts and figures, we have a choice. We can act now and work towards alleviating poverty or leave the world hunger and poverty to increase manifold. Charity Meals is working hard to eradicate food insecurity in multiple countries across the globe. Join them in their fight against poverty and donate to one of their appeals.

How Your Donations Help

With your generous donations, Charity Meals runs various programmes to help disadvantaged communities. These include the provision of clean drinking water, food parcels, winter essential packs, community kitchens, school meals and meals for Hifz orphans in Madrassahs. These programmes help communities in areas across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the UK.

The Desperate Situation in Palestine

Charity Meals’ Palestine Emergency Appeal is aimed at helping the desperate situation caused by the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The charity is committed to ensuring the timely delivery of food parcels and water supplies to those affected.

The current crisis has seen air strikes, ground attacks and bombing of local infrastructure and amenities. Hospitals, mosques, schools, and homes have been destroyed. This catastrophic situation has left people fighting for their survival, struggling for basic necessities like food, water, medical supplies, warm clothing and shelter.

Charity Meals is delivering hot meals and food in Gaza. Please donate generously to one of Palestine Emergency Appeals to help deliver the essential supplies to Gaza.

Lebanon, Pakistan, India – Winter Emergency:

In war conflicted areas, where conflict has already taken a devastating toll, families grapple with the bitter cold. Lebanon braces for harsh winter as well, with families struggling to keep warm amidst difficult circumstances.

Across Pakistan and India, many areas face freezing temperatures, and families struggle to keep sufficiently warm. Many do not have resources or adequate means to fight cold weather conditions. With many homes not equipped to keep away atrocious rain, wind or snow, their lives become even more difficult and miserable.

Charity Meals is on a mission to deliver winter food parcels, hot meals, and essential winter supplies to more than 18 countries across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Charity Meals not only delivers food. It also delivers life-saving winter essentials - blankets, hats, scarves, and gloves. Join hands with Charity Meals to help children and families fight the harmful effects of severe weather. Donate today and give a glimmer of hope to those who really need it.

UK Community Kitchen Project

With rising food prices, many are struggling to provide themselves or their families with a decent meal. Food Kitchens are an essential part of Charity Meals’ relief efforts. These community kitchens will aim to provide free meals to homeless people, families living below the poverty line, and refugees. Meals provided by Charity Meal’s food kitchen will be healthy and nutritious. A community kitchen is a glimmer of hope for many, a place where friendships are formed over plates of warm and nutritious food.

Charity Meals aims to have five Charity Meals Kitchens up and running in the UK within the next five years. These kitchens will be strategically located in areas where food insecurity is high.

Donations start from £5. Please donate towards this project and help establish food kitchens in the deserving areas.

Africa, Asia and the Middle East – Clean Water and Sanitation

Around 2 billion people worldwide are without access to safely managed drinking water, and 3.6 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation.

Clean drinking water is everybody’s right but, unfortunately, a dream for many people in countries across the world. Access to clean water is important not only for drinking purposes but also for protection from harmful diseases. As a UK-based water purification charity, Charity Meals is working to provide sustainable solutions to communities, including hand pumps, water wells, and water purification plants in countries across Asia, Africa and other areas requiring water sanitation.

Remember to make a donation to enable us to install a water pump or carry out other water sanitation programmes and help improve the lives of those who lack access to this basic necessity.

School and Madrassah Meals

Charity Meals is working tirelessly to provide meals to Madrassah and school children across the world. Unlike in the UK, school children in other parts of the world do not get free school meals, which means many of them might be going hungry. Low-income families who struggle to provide their children with appropriately nutritious meals are unable to provide healthy school lunches. Donate generously to provide nutritious meals for school children.

Madrassah children include orphans who need support with daily meals. Remember to make a donation towards supporting Madrassah children and making a difference in their lives.

Family Food Parcels

Charity Meals provides food to those in need across the world. Its team is dedicated to alleviating hunger, starvation, and malnutrition and promoting the health and well-being of those in desperate need. Support their mission and donate towards food parcels for disadvantaged families.

Charity Meals counts on your support to run all its above-mentioned programmes. Feed the hungry and take one step towards ending food poverty today.