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Winter Emergency Appeal

Help us feed £1 hot meals and deliver winter warm essentials

Winter Emergency Appeal
Make a Donation

Save Lives This Winter

As winter's icy grip tightens, the struggle for survival reaches a critical stage for countless victims enduring unimaginable hardship.

In Palestine, where the engulfing chill of winter is magnified by the realities of a war-torn homeland, families are facing sub-zero temperatures and the ever-present threat of freezing to death. The recent air strikes have left homes reduced to rubble, leaving families and children at the mercy of the atrocious cold weather. Remember to donate to one of the winter emergency appeals of Charity Meals to fight winter poverty this season. Donate to the Palestine emergency appeal here. 

The harsh grip of winter extends across regions including Gaza and Lebanon. In Gaza, where conflict has already taken a devastating toll, families grapple with the bitter cold, struggling with the lack of resources. Similarly, in Lebanon, difficult circumstances put vulnerable families at risk of suffering from the outcomes of harsh winter. To help those facing difficult circumstances, donate to the Gaza Winter Appeal and other appeals put forward by Charity Meals.

Across Pakistan and India, similar struggles unfold as families and children battle the bitter winter, desperately trying to keep warm. The freezing temperatures claim lives, especially those without adequate shelter or resources to combat the cruel weather conditions. Join hands with Charity Meals and donate to its Winter Meal Appeal to help those hard-hit by harsh weather and poverty.

At Charity Meals - We Believe Everybody Deserves to Be Treated With Respect and Have Access to Nutritious Food Without Being Judged in Any Way.

Winter Emergency Appeal Winter Blankets & Food in Gaza

Extending a Helping Hand Worldwide

Charity Meals is racing against time to provide food, hot meals and life-saving winter essentials to those in desperate need across 18 countries. 

Our primary focus is to ensure vulnerable people stay alive, warm, and well-nourished. Your generous support to Charity Meals can make this possible. Together, we can make a difference and bring comfort to those in need. 

Your support is their only hope - for just £1; you can provide a hot meal and bring nourishment and warmth to someone desperate for help.   

A Beacon of Hope: Providing Essential Winter Supplies

Charity Meals is not only delivering food; our team is delivering life-saving winter essentials, including blankets, hats, scarves, and gloves to shield children and families against the relentless cold. Your generosity can help protect them from the biting winds and offer a glimmer of hope to those struggling with the worst effects of the atrocious cold. Support Charity Meals in their mission to fight winter poverty and donate towards emergency winter shelters to protect the most vulnerable from the harmful effects of winter.  

For just £50, you can feed and protect families from freezing to death. 

Donation Packages

Winter Food Parcel

Provides one food parcel.

Winter Emergency Kit

Provides food, water, and warm winter essentials.

Hot Meals for Children

Gives 500 hot meals.

Feed a Village

Feeds over 1,500 children, families, and older people.

Keeping Communities Warm in the UK

Here in the UK, Charity Meals will be extending its efforts, reaching out to people experiencing homelessness and those struggling to make ends meet.

At Charity Meals, we understand the crushing weight of the cost of living and the desperation it breeds. Our mission is to be a lifeline for our neighbours, providing hot meals and essential food parcels to help them through the harsh season.

Act now: Be the Hero They Desperately Need 

Time is of the essence. Lives are at stake, and your contribution can make all the difference. Act now and join hands with Charity Meals. Together, we can be the change that will warm hearts and save lives.  

See the Impact Your Donations Make

Join Charity Meals This Winter! 

Our volunteers are the backbone of all that we do.

Embrace the spirit of giving this winter! Join us in preparing and serving warm meals to those in need. Whether you are an individual, part of a group or a corporate team, your help can make a big difference. Volunteer with us and bring warmth to those who need it most. Get involved today! 

You can reach out to us by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling 0207 889 0786 to discuss how you can get involved. We can’t wait to hear from you!