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How Much Would It Cost to End World Hunger?

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World Hunger

What is World Hunger?

Hunger is the hardship associated with the lack of food, according to Action Against Hunger, one of the world's hunger organisations working globally to eradicate hunger. It puts forward the threshold for food deprivation as having fewer than 1,800 calories per day. Food hunger means going through days without eating due to the lack of money, problems with access to food or unavailability of food. The causes might include war, conflict, or natural disaster, e.g. famine.

World Hunger Facts

World hunger has dreadful effects on people. According to the research put forward by Action Against Hunger, the following facts and figures call for world leaders to pay attention to this pressing issue.

  • 49 million people in 43 countries across the world are at risk of falling into famine or a hunger emergency.
  • Nearly one in ten people go to bed hungry every night.
  • Three billion people cannot afford a healthy, nutritious diet.

Hunger has devastating consequences for children as well.

  • Almost half of all deaths among children under five are related to malnutrition.
  • More than 150 million children around the world miss out on daily meals.
  • More than 73 million children in extreme poverty attend school on an empty stomach, causing an impact on concentration and learning in school.

How Much Would It Cost to End World Hunger?

Despite the promises made by world leaders to eradicate world hunger by 2030, the number of people suffering from starvation has increased. There are various estimates by researchers and scientists regarding the cost of eliminating world hunger. According to an estimate shared by Oxfam, around $23 billion is needed to fight extreme hunger. To fight chronic hunger, another $14 billion is required. In May 2022, the World Bank announced a $30 billion (€29.3 billion) plan to address the world hunger crisis. All these estimates are dependent on help from donor governments and charitable organisations.

Apart from the above facts and figures, there are smaller costs that can help hunger-stricken areas. It does not cost a lot to provide immediate hunger relief. You can donate to Charity Meals for a family food parcel to feed those going through starvation. The package prices start from £30. Donations to children’s school meals start from £1 for a small meal pack. Every contribution you make goes a long way towards alleviating world food poverty.

How to Solve World Hunger

While there is a need for money to help countries suffering from world hunger, money cannot solve all the problems. There is an ongoing issue of war, conflict, and a vicious cycle of violence in many regions, which is difficult to stop. Besides, natural disasters and climate change continuously impact a country’s ability to acquire economic freedom. Modern food systems, under the strong influence of giant corporations, also threaten the local economy. This has a great impact on small-scale local farmers, threatening their existence or growth.

World hunger organisations have discussed various measures that can be taken to end global hunger. Some such steps could be as follows:

  1. Switch to a more sustainable diet and buy locally grown food where possible. Growing your own vegetables in the garden is also a good idea.
  2. Educate yourself on the link between food waste and world hunger and reduce the food waste produced by your family. It is important to buy and prepare only what you need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is said that the earth grows enough food for everyone to eat, but it needs to be used and shared wisely and equally. More food waste also means more gas emissions, which negatively impact the environment and eventually contribute to the causes of world hunger.
  3. Support charities and organisations working to end world hunger. Your donations make a huge difference.
  4. Educate yourself on effective solutions to world hunger and create awareness about them. An introduction of the following can go a long way towards helping the hunger crisis:
  • Social protection programmes,
  • gender equality,
  • decent education for all,
  • disaster risk reduction, which minimises losses in case of natural disasters,
  • better storage systems.

World Hunger Organisations

There are many well-known organisations working to help the global hunger crisis. Some of them are the World Food Programme, Action Against Hunger, The Hunger Project, Concern Worldwide and Oxfam. Other charities that help fight world hunger include Charity Meals, which works in more than 15 countries worldwide.  You can support our work by donating to our appeals. A small act on your part can make a big difference. Donate now and contribute towards building a better future for all.