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Zakat and Sadaqah Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of that (wealth) in which He has ...
World Hunger What is World Hunger? Hunger is the hardship associated with the lack of food, accordin...
Clean Water “And Allah has created from water every living creature.” [Al-Quran 24:45] Water is ...
Food Poverty “A Hungry Man is Not a Free Man.” (Adlai E. Stevenson) According to the figur...
Communities in Need In today’s world, where many countries are hit by war, conflict and disaster...
Countries Without Toilets Being able to use toilets safely is everyone’s basic right. But, sadly, ...
Importance of Water in Our Lives Water is vital for life - clean water is one of the most basic need...
The number of people going hungry on this earth far exceeds 780 million. In a world where agricultur...
The poverty and hunger suffered by the famous American country and western singer, Dolly Parton, dur...
According to the UN, over one billion people in the world live in unacceptable conditions of poverty...