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The Benefits of Sadaqah

The Benefits of Sadaqah

Charity is central to the Islamic faith, with compulsory and voluntary types of charity that Muslims are required and expected to give, respectively. Sadaqah is one of the types of voluntary charity in Islam, and it revolves around giving without the expectation of anything in return. In fact, Sadaqah doesn’t even have to be given in the form of a monetary donation; it could be something as simple as helping your neighbour carry their shopping. As a result, Sadaqah is an accessible form of charity that’s not dictated by a person’s financial standing. 

Making the world a better place is all about increasing acts of generosity and kindness, and you can learn just some of the Sadaqah benefits below.

What Are the Benefits of Sadaqah?

As Sadaqah is a term that’s used to describe a wide array of charitable actions, the possibilities are boundless. That said, some of the most common advantages of Sadaqah include the following:

  • It helps cure illness and avert death
  • It eases hardships and removes calamities
  • It brings balance to society and benefits the community

The Sadaqah Jariyah Benefits

Sadaqah Jariyah is a mode of Sadaqah that has advantages that stand the test of time. Even after the giver has passed, the impact of their Sadaqah Jariyah will continue to live on. For instance, donating to our Water and Sanitation Appeal could be classed as a Sadaqah Jariyah donation, as this programme works to build wells that will provide safe drinking water for future generations. Quite simply, the biggest advantage of Sadaqah Jariyah is that it provides an enduring solution rather than a swift and temporary fix.

The Benefits of Sadaqah Hadith

There are many benefits of Sadaqah in the Quran. For example, Abu Dharr narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “You putting some of the water from your bucket in your brother’s bucket is Sadaqah. You removing stones, thorns and bones from people’s path is Sadaqah. You guiding a man in a place where there are no guides is Sadaqah.” [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad]

What is the Reward of Giving Sadaqah?

We’ve already mentioned how the world can benefit from Sadaqah, but the giver can also reap rewards by giving Sadaqah. These rewards include the following:

  • It’s an investment in this life and the Hereafter
  • It expiates sins
  • It’s one of the gates of Jannah
  • It will be your shade on the Day of Judgement
  • It purifies the Nafs
  • It’s a means of acceptance dua
  • It’s a way to earn rewards after death

Reap the Benefits of Giving Sadaqah in Islam with Charity Meals

Charity Meals can accept your donations in the form of Sadaqah, so please give generously, and we’ll make sure your donations reach the most desperate members of society.

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