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What is the Difference Between Sadaqah and Lillah?

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Sadaqah and Lillah

There are multiple types of charity in Islam, with obligatory and voluntary forms alike. Sadaqah and Lillah are two of the voluntary types of charity; however, Muslims are advised to invest their time and energy into charitable acts that aren’t compulsory. This is because Muslims should recognise that possessions and wealth are temporary gifts from Allah (SWT), as these cannot be taken with them to the Hereafter. As a result, it’s their responsibility to share their wealth with those who aren’t as fortunate. This means being aware of the suffering of others and doing all they can to level the playing field, as everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah (SWT).

So, the principles of Islam revolve around giving, but what is the Sadaqah and Lillah difference?

What is Sadaqah?

Essentially, Sadaqah is an act of kindness that’s carried out without the expectation of anything in return – a selfless good deed. It could be something as little as smiling at a stranger and sharing some kind words, or it could go so far as offering support to someone in need, financially or otherwise.

The Importance of Sadaqah

As previously mentioned, charity is a key facet of Islam, in which people are encouraged to give for the sake of giving. Not only do charitable acts benefit the recipient, but they also improve the mental well-being of the giver. The Quran mentions charity frequently, teaching Muslims that Allah’s (SWT) mercy grows with every act of kindness.

Types of Sadaqah

Since Sadaqah is all about selfless acts of kindness, it can come in many forms, including the following:

  • Smiling at others
  • Sharing advice
  • Being patient
  • Spreading knowledge
  • Teaching a valuable skill
  • Feeding others
  • Taking care of an animal
  • Visiting the sick
  • Forgiveness
  • Donating money to someone in need

What is Lillah?

The direct translation of Lillah is “for Allah (SWT)”, and this means that Lillah is any form of charity that’s given in the name of Allah (SWT). Typically speaking, Lillah isn’t given to a person but rather to an institution like a mosque, hospital, or children’s home. Ultimately, Lillah donations are used to contribute to the betterment of others, no matter what their religion may be.

The Importance of Lillah

Much like Sadaqah, Lillah is a voluntary form of charity. As a result, it’s important to bring hope and assistance to those who need it most. Not only does it work to elevate individuals from dire circumstances, but it also allows the giver to reap the benefits. These benefits can be experienced from both moral and religious perspectives.

Types of Lillah

Since Lillah refers to money used to improve the lives of others via the funding of an institution, it can come in the following forms:

  • A charitable organisation collecting Lillah for the running expenses of madrassahs
  • A charity gathering funding for the construction of the Masjid
  • An organisation fundraising to build water wells

The Difference Between Lillah and Sadaqah

So, whether you’re talking about Sadaqah or Lillah, they’re both voluntary forms of charity with distinct purposes. For instance, Sadaqah encompasses a wide array of selfless acts, ranging from simple gestures to generous donations. The premise is all about spreading kindness and receiving Allah’s (SWT) mercy in return. Meanwhile, Lillah is given exclusively in the name of Allah (SWT) and tends to be given to institutions rather than individuals. Although both forms are there to help others, Lillah usually supports larger community projects, while Sadaqah can be more personal and varied in its application.

Discover the Sadaqah/Lillah Meaning with Charity Meals

Whether you decide to donate Sadaqah or Lillah, they’re both forms of voluntary charity that allow you to make a positive impact on the lives of others. If you’re looking to make a monetary donation with the intention of it being Sadaqah or Lillah, then Charity Meals is here to help. We’ll make sure your Sadaqah or Lillah donation reaches those who need it most, allowing you to make the greatest impact possible. 

There are people around the world who need your help, whether they’re just a stone’s throw from your front door or on the other side of the globe. At Charity Meals, we operate across the UK as well as internationally. Some of the communities we work with include The Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kenya, Somalia, Türkiye, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Therefore, giving your Sadaqah or Lillah with Charity Meals allows you to make a worldwide impact. 

Whether you’re fulfilling a religious obligation or just doing your bit for society, Charity Meals accepts your donations. It doesn’t matter how big or small your donation may be. Give what you can to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.