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What is Sadaqah Jariyah?


Islam is a religion that very much revolves around charity, and there are both compulsory and voluntary types of giving within the faith. Sadaqah Jariyah is one of the voluntary forms of charity, and it essentially refers to any mode of voluntary giving that has a lasting impact. Acts of Sadaqah Jariyah tend to outlive the person who carried out the charitable deed, meaning that they’re gifts that continue to give for years to come.

Here at Charity Meals, a number of our appeals are designed to aid projects that have a lasting impact. So, you can make your Sadaqah Jariyah donation with Charity Meals today.

The Sadaqah Jariyah Meaning

The Sadaqah Jariyah definition is “flowing” or “running” charity, showcasing the long-term nature of Sadaqah Jariyah. Even after the death of the person who carried out the Sadaqah Jariyah, it continues to benefit humanity.

Sadaqah Jariyah Examples

Some of the most common examples that embody the meaning of Sadaqah Jariyah are as follows:

  • Teaching someone a valuable skill
  • Building an institution of good (e.g., a mosque, school, or hospital)
  • Building a means of provision (e.g., a water well)
  • Teaching someone valuable knowledge through books, lessons, etc.
  • Planting a tree
  • Creating a home or shelter for people or animals
  • Inventing something of use for people or animals

Why is Sadaqah Jariyah Important?

Sadaqah Jariyah is important as it benefits others in this life and also benefits us and our loved ones in the future. Helping the less fortunate is a key feature of Islam, and this type of charity works to benefit others. What’s more, so long as an act of Sadaqah Jariyah continues to have an impact, the person who carried out the deed will continue to reap the rewards of such.

Can You Give Sadaqah Jariyah on Behalf of Someone Else?

As with many other types of Islamic charity, you can give Sadaqah Jariyah on behalf of someone else. So long as you make the intention of doing it on their behalf, Allah (SWT) will accept this.

Whether you give Sadaqah Jariyah on behalf of yourself or someone else, it has the power to provide lasting or immediate relief to someone who needs it. Quite simply, it can shape the lives and futures of individuals and communities, potentially for generations to come.

Should You Give Sadaqah Jariyah After Something Bad Happens?

Many people choose to give Sadaqah Jariyah when something bad happens, such as the death of a loved one, in which they offer charity in their name. While this offers numerous blessings and can help with the grieving process, it’s not a requirement. Similarly, if you choose to give charity in times of sadness, you should also do so during happier and more prosperous times. This is important for showing thanks to Allah (SWT) for all your blessings.

The Difference Between Sadaqah and Sadaqah Jariyah

Unlike Sadaqah Jairyah, Sadaqah has no rules about how long the impact must live on. Sadaqah can simply be an act of kindness with an impact that lasts a matter of seconds. Although they may seem small, acts of kindness that qualify as Sadaqah can have the biggest impact, even if they don’t last a lifetime.

How to Start Giving Sadaqah Jariyah

Everyone should strive to incorporate more charity into their lifestyle, and putting the following in place can help you make a habit of giving Sadaqah Jariyah:

  1. Reflect on your intentions – Firstly, when giving Sadaqah Jariyah, you need to be sincere about the fact that you’re contributing for the sake of Allah (SWT).
  2. Identify causes with lasting impact – Here at Charity Meals, we have a number of appeals that will have a lasting impact, which you can donate to.
  3. Decide on the type of contribution – Sadaqah Jariyah doesn’t just have to be a monetary donation; it can be a use of your time, knowledge, and skills to create something lasting.
  4. Set a budget – Determine how much you can afford to give without compromising your own financial stability.
  5. Monitor the impact – Where possible, you should stay informed about the progress and impact of your contributions.
  6. Encourage others to participate – When others join in, Sadaqah Jariyah has the power to multiply.

Donate Sadaqah Jariyah with Charity Meals

Charity Meals has a number of appeals to which you could make a Sadaqah Jariyah donation. We operate across the UK, The Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kenya, Somalia, Türkiye, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. As a result, you can make a lasting impact on some of the most vulnerable members of society globally.

Please be generous in donating your Sadaqah Jariyah with Charity Meals, and rest assured that your contribution will go towards saving lives around the world.