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Types of Sadaqah

Types of Sadaqah

Sadaqah is one of the types of voluntary charity in Islam. Since Sadaqah isn’t compulsory, there aren’t too many rules associated with it. Quite simply, Sadaqah is an act of kindness without the expectation of anything in return. As a result, there are many types of Sadaqah that someone might choose to engage with to help another person, which you can learn more about below.

How Many Types of Sadaqah Are There?

As Sadaqah is simply a good deed, there are countless types of Sadaqah. Anything that someone does from the goodness of their heart without the expectation of anything in return can be considered Sadaqah.

What Are the Different Types of Sadaqah in Islam?

Because Sadaqah can be any number of things, there are no set “types” of Sadaqah. Some key examples of Sadaqah include the following:

  • Feeding others
  • Making dua for others
  • Being kind to animals
  • Shielding someone from something harmful
  • Visiting and caring for the sick
  • Giving directions to someone in need of them
  • Smiling at others
  • Supporting others
  • Donating to someone in need

The Different Types of Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is similar to Sadaqah in the sense that it’s a voluntary mode of charity; however, there are more rules when it comes to Sadaqah Jariyah. This is because Sadaqah Jariyah must have an impact that lives on even after the giver has passed. So, examples of Sadaqah Jariyah include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Teaching someone a valuable skill 
  • Building an institution of good (e.g., a mosque, school, or hospital) 
  • Building a means of provision (e.g., a water well) 
  • Teaching someone valuable knowledge through books, lessons, etc. 
  • Planting a tree 
  • Creating a home or shelter for people or animals 
  • Inventing something of use for people or animals  

Give Sadaqah with Charity Meals

If you’d like to help someone in need from the goodness of your heart, then Charity Meals has a number of appeals that you can donate. We operate across the UK, The Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kenya, Somalia, Türkiye, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, allowing you to make a global impact with your donation. 

We make sure that your donations reach those who need it most worldwide, so please don’t hesitate to give Sadaqah in the form of a donation with Charity Meals.  

Your kindness has the power to change lives.