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21 Feb, 2024
What is Zakat and Sadaqah?

Zakat and Sadaqah Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of that (wealth) in which He has ...

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22 Jan, 2024
How Much Would It Cost to End World Hunger?

World Hunger What is World Hunger? Hunger is the hardship associated with the lack of food, accordin...

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22 Jan, 2024
Why is Access to Clean Water Important?

Clean Water “And Allah has created from water every living creature.” [Al-Quran 24:45] Water is ...

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22 Jan, 2024
What is Food Poverty and How You Can Help

Food Poverty “A Hungry Man is Not a Free Man.”   (Adlai E. Stevenson)   According to the figur...

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22 Dec, 2023
How Charity Meals is Helping Communities this Winter

Communities in Need  In today’s world, where many countries are hit by war, conflict and disaster...

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15 Dec, 2023
We Are Building and Maintaining Toilets in Developing Countries

Countries Without Toilets Being able to use toilets safely is everyone’s basic right. But, sadly, ...

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15 Dec, 2023
Get Involved in Building Wells in Communities That Need Them

Importance of Water in Our Lives Water is vital for life - clean water is one of the most basic need...

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15 Dec, 2023
How is Charity Meals Providing Food Parcels to People in Need?

The number of people going hungry on this earth far exceeds 780 million. In a world where agricultur...

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15 Dec, 2023
The Impact of School Meals on Children’s Education and Healt...

The poverty and hunger suffered by the famous American country and western singer, Dolly Parton, dur...

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15 Dec, 2023
How Your Donations Help Communities in the Areas That Need Them

According to the UN, over one billion people in the world live in unacceptable conditions of poverty...

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