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Morocco Earthquake Emergency

Charity meals needs urgent food & water for the people of Morocco following the earthquake and its devastating impact.

Morocco Earthquake Emergency
Make a Donation

Charity meals needs urgent food & water for the people affected by the earthquake in Morocco  

Urgent Morocco Earthquake Appeal: We need food and water

Morocco has been shaken to its core by a devastating earthquake, claiming the lives of over 2,600 people and leaving thousands of others grappling with injuries and the devastating consequences of losing their homes and businesses. The 6.8 magnitude earthquake, which struck in central Morocco at 11.11pm local time on Friday 8th September, has crushed towns and remote mountain villages, leaving a trail of destruction and victims dead and trapped.

The earthquake in Morocco is the most severe to strike the country in a staggering 60 years.

Families have been uprooted from their homes, facing an immediate and critical need for shelter, clean water, food and urgent medical attention. Tens of thousands of children have had their very foundations overturned, losing homes, parents and a sense of security.

Charity Meals is on the ground, working tirelessly alongside our partners to alleviate the impact of the Morocco earthquake today. We are putting systems in place to provide immediate relief to those affected by this tragedy. Our mission is clear: to help women, children, and the elderly survivors rebuild their lives. We are distributing emergency food, clean water, and essential kits that include baby milk, basic hygiene supplies, and diapers.

Donate to alleviate the Morocco earthquake today, If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

Feed our mothers in need
Donation packages
Baby Formula

Provide 2 baby milk formula

Food Parcel

Provides 1 Food Parcels

Emergency Kit

Provide Emergency Kit

Clean Water

Provide Clean Water for 1 month

Your Donation Can Help Us:

Join us in bringing urgent relief to the people of Morocco as they face this overwhelming disaster. Your support can help rebuild lives and communities, one meal at a time.

Your Morocco Earthquake Donation Can Help Us:

- Feed hungry families

- Provide clean water for drinking and sanitation

- Deliver emergency kits for basic hygiene and baby care

- Offer a glimmer of hope to those who have lost loved ones

The earthquake in Morocco lasted seconds but has ruined the lives and livelihoods of thousands for years to come. Please, donate today and help us save lives and alleviate suffering.