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£1 Hot Meals: Feed Just ONE Hungry Person Today

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About Us

At Charity Meals, our mission is to fight poverty and hunger by providing meals and food items to those who can’t fend for themselves.

About Us

At Charity Meals, our mission is to fight poverty and hunger by providing meals and food items to those who can’t fend for themselves. We are actively seeking those who want to donate to feed the hungry. Your generosity will sate the hunger of children and the elderly worldwide.

Your Compassion Fills Empty Bellies...

We work tirelessly with our partners to ensure that the homeless, refugees, vulnerable families, children, and the elderly have immediate access to a hot meal.

In the UK, the cost-of-living crisis has caused thousands to find a food bank to source even the bare minimum of what they need to eat. Yet so many lack even the facilities to heat up a tin of beans. As one of the UK’s many hunger charities, we want to ensure that these people can sit down to a hot, cooked, nutritional meal. At the same time, we seek to address food insecurity, starvation, and malnutrition.

Although Charity Meals is based and works in the UK, we also work globally to provide meals to those who would go hungry without our support.

We serve poor and needy individuals, schools and boarding schools, orphanages, and other similar institutions, where there is a lack of nutritional food supplies.

Tackling Global Starvation

At Charity Meals, tackling the distribution of food to the communities that need it most is a primary focus. However, we also recognise that hunger and dehydration go hand in hand and that access to clean and safe drinking water is equally as important as food.

To this end, we provide water and sanitation projects to impoverished communities, from water pumps, water wells and water purification systems. We are making sure that families around the globe are drinking fresh water without fear of waterborne disease.

Through our water and sanitation projects, we aim to stop the spread of diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, which are often caused by contaminated water.

At Charity Meals, we understand the importance of coming together to tackle global starvation. Our work is only possible because of the support of our donors, volunteers, and partners, and we invite you to join us in our fight against food insecurity. Donate to feed the hungry and watch local communities flourish as a result.

Together, we can make a difference to the lives of those who need it the most.

Our mission to end hunger starts here.

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The fight against hunger starts with Charity Meals

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